First Prototype

Three days into the GMTK Game Jam 2024, I finally submitted a build! This is the first time I've participated in a game jam, so it is a personal win and an important milestone on my gamedev journey!

I still have some more improvements in mind for the game, such as improving the display text in the main game and also on the results screen. Right now there's just plain white text which may be hard to read against the background. 

Apart from that, I can already see why "scope" is such a huge factor to consider while making games. When I started out with this concept, I was very ambitious and overestimated what I could do in 96 hours. For example, in my original concept, I wanted to add a cutscene after you finish eating, where your character would fight a wrestling bout, and based on how much your weight is, you would either win or lose the bout. That seemed interesting, but making it within the 96 hour time limit would have been really difficult as a solo dev. 

Similarly, I wanted to add in more foods and randomness to the food falling down, but again, couldn't implement it within the time limit. I still have a few hours left as I write this, but instead of adding new features, I will be trying to improve the existing game.

If you've played the game and/or read this log, thanks for your time, and please let me know what you think of the game! 


Don't Tip The Play in browser
31 days ago

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